Mateusz is highly qualified Attorney-at-Law with over 15 years of experience in different legal areas, including European Union law, especially Polish and European economic law and state aid, criminal law, economic criminal law and tax law.
His professional experience focuses mainly on the areas of corporate law, commercial law (in particular, capital markets law, pharmaceutical law and data protection law).
In his previous role as an expert at the Chancellery of the Parliament, Mateusz provided legal advice and support to the Polish Parliament, including issuing opinions on legislative projects and preparing recommendations.
Currently, Mateusz focuses on advising investment funds, business angels and other companies on a variety of legal matters. He also conducts legal audits (legal due diligence) and represents his Clients in regulatory proceedings, including cases before the Financial Supervision Commission, bioethics committees or the Office for the Registration of Medicinal Products and Medical Devices.